We are here to make your dental care the absolute best experience that the Texas Hill Country has to offer.

Our Dental Services

Preventative Dentistry

Routine cleanings to diagnose and maintain a healthy mouth.

  • Completed on patients who are interested in having the dentist examine their entire mouth for gum disease, cavities, infections, screen for oral cancer and form a treatment plan in order to get the patient back to a stable state.

  • Completed on patients who are in pain or having concerns about a localized area in their mouth.

  • Digital images of your teeth that the dentist uses to evaluate your oral health. Today’s dental x-rays expose very little radiation to the patient. Did you know that one dental x-ray is comparable to the natural background radiation you receive on a daily basis?

  • We highly recommend our patients have a professional dental cleaning at least every 6 months in order to remove plaque and tartar in hard to reach areas.

  • Nonsurgical treatment for gum disease that involves removing plaque and tarter below the gum line and on the surface of roots.

  • After dental cleanings, fluoride varnish can be applied to the teeth in order to strengthen your teeth against cavities and even limit tooth sensitivity.

  • Achieve your whitest smile in a single visit

Restorative Dentistry

Restore a broken or decayed tooth back to health.

  • When cavities are small, they can be filled with tooth colored filling material.

  • A crown is completed when a tooth is broken or has a large filling in it that compromises the integrity of the tooth. It is custom made for your tooth. These are commonly called caps.

  • The removal of a tooth’s infected pulp (center of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels) in order to eliminate tooth pain and save the tooth. With today’s advanced technology, root canal therapy is much more comfortable for the patient.

Esthetic Dentistry

Enhancements to ensure our patients love their smile!

  • We can whiten your teeth by using a prescription grade, specialized gel.

  • Veneers are used to change the appearance of the front teeth into a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

  • If veneers are not a sound option we can achieve a similar result with crowns as well.

Prosthetic Dentistry

Replacing missing teeth because we all want a full mouth of pearly whites!

  • These come in a couple different styles. They can be a night guard to help with clenching and grinding while you are sleeping or it could be an athletic guard worn during sporting events to protect the teeth from damage.

  • When you are missing a tooth and we place a crown on the teeth adjacent to the gap with a false tooth in the middle. The bridge is then cemented on your teeth and does not come out. You will not be able to tell you were ever missing a tooth!

  • When you have no teeth and want to eat.

  • Implants are first placed in your jaw, which then a complete denture can attach to. This helps the denture stay in place but you still will remove the denture every night to maintain good oral health.

  • A hybrid denture permanently mounted on four implants fused to your jaw. This is similar to the implant-supported denture, however the patient cannot remove the denture and therefore treats his or her new smile like natural teeth.

  • As the name suggests, is a denture fabricated for patients only missing some of their teeth. This is a denture to replace those missing teeth. It comes in and out.

Oral Surgery

Refers to any surgical procedure performed in your mouth.

  • When a tooth is no longer restorable and needs to be removed.

  • Smoothing the bone after extractions in order to allow for comfortable healing and proper support for a dental prosthesis

  • Medical device surgically implanted into the bone that resembles a screw and acts as a base to support an artificial tooth.

  • Procedure used to reduce bone loss at time of extraction. Usually considered when placing an implant at the site.

  • Refers to any dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). When the muscles and ligament surrounding the TMJ become inflamed, patients can experience severe pain when opening and closing.


Because it’s always a good idea to relax while having dental work done!

  • Patients that experience anxiety during dental procedures can inhale nitrous oxide gas throughout the appointment to allow for a more enjoyable experience. Nitrous oxide is a very safe and effective form of sedation that can be used on most patients including children and pregnant women.

  • Patients that experience moderate to more severe anxiety during dental procedures can take a prescribed sedative orally for their appointment. This requires prior consultation with the dentist.