Our “Flossophy” —

It’s probably no secret that we are MAJOR floss advocates over here, and for good reason!! Let us tell you why — 

Every time you floss you not only remove food debris (imagine a piece of meat stuck between your teeth for days at 98.6 degrees...its obviously going to cause bad breath not to mention gum inflammation) but also you remove plaque on the teeth. Everyday we are at a constant battle with plaque: we brush and floss in the morning which removes it temporarily but germs immediately start rebuilding and throughout the day we just accumulate more plaque which we have to take off our teeth again in the evening. If we dont fight this battle within only a couple of days plaque will calcify and turn into tartar. Tartar doesn’t sound so bad, but once we have tartar on our teeth it does’t matter how much you floss and brush, you cannot remove it — It takes a professional cleaning! Bacteria (plaque) use it as a house and live under it, which will eventually lead to cavities and gum disease. (No, thank you!)

Many people who hate flossing think, "Hey, I’ll just use a water pick." Well, the downside to waterpiks is that the water is not getting in the contact space between teeth (neither is just brushing). That is the number one place where we see cavities start. Floss, on the other hand, can easily get in those contact spaces and remove the plaque and food debris each day.

Combine that with a routine, professional cleaning at least twice a year and you should be good to go!


Mouth Guards are a MUST for Summer Sports!